About Us
Thesis Driven.
Value Investors.
With a wealth of more than 13 years' experience and backing over 50 enterprises, we recognize that to truly be valuable partners to our founders, it's essential for us to thoroughly comprehend the core of their business.
Our Thesis
We specialize in early-stage investments, leading Pre-Seed, Seed, and Series A funding rounds. Our primary focus lies within the SaaS sector, but we also actively invest in E-commerce, Marketplaces, and businesses driven by AI and data analytics.
Astella's Timeline
Our Story
Ecosystem Builder: Astella’s journey is intrinsically connected with the development of the Brazilian VC ecosystem.
Astella's Timeline
Journey I Fund, Astella's first vehicle.
Active participation in building the tech entrepreneurship ecosystem in Brazil.
Main investments: Portal Educação, Ciatech, Navegg, Dualtec.

Astella's Timeline
Journey II Fund
First institutional investor: Spectra Investimentos.
Main investments: Omie (seed) and Digital Results (Series A).

Astella's Timeline
Journey III Fund
New institutional investors and family offices as LPs.
Entry of Marcelo Sato as a partner.
Astella Playbook podcast launch.

Astella's Timeline
Daniel Chalfon joins as partner.
Main investments: Sallve, Omie (Series A), Livance.
Special Purpose Vehicles: Omie, RD Station.

Astella's Timeline
Astella becomes pro bono manager of Endeavor Brasil's Scale Up fund.
Beginning structuring the Investment and Platform team.
Special Purpose Vehicle: Kenoby.
Launch of Astella Expert Network.

Astella's Timeline
Journey IV Fund
Entry of Banco Itaú as LP.
Launch of Astella Matrix, Astella's knowledge hub.

Astella's Timeline
Sale of RD Station to TOTVS.
Largest SaaS company exit in Latin America.
Special Purpose Vehicle: Bornlogic.

Astella's Timeline
Sale of Kenoby to Gupy
Launch of the AstELLAS program, mentorship for women entrepreneurs
Astella's Timeline
BNDES approves investment in the JV fund in first place.
Laura Constantini becomes a Venture Partner at Astella.
Top 3 management firms in Brazil preferred by entrepreneurs, according to a survey by Spectra.
Astella's Timeline